Sunday, February 25, 2007
Post Time
I guess this is a celebratory post (and that officially makes me a geek). I know that as your President I will have to show magnanimity (that's a word, right?) in victory. This won't be hard for me personally, since I have so very much to be humble about. But I do love my Buckeyes, and as long as we have Coaches Tressel and Matta I believe I'll have plenty of opportunities to learn this diplomatic skill. Although, the state of Michigan may very well hope to secede come 2020. I promise not to stand in their way.
To continue what I began in the last post, viz. giving you some information you'll need to fix my coordinates on the political map, here's something fundamental to my makeup.
RELIGION- I'm a Christian and believe I will one day stand before God and will have to give an account of how I lived my life. It appears to me that nowadays the majority of my brethen would be quick to tell you that I'm not a real Christian just on the basis of what I've said under FOREIGN AID. To them I say- I'M JUST GETTING STARTED. (In your mind's ear I want you to hear Al Pacino saying that as in the movie Scent Of A Woman.
If you're a Muslim, or a Hindu, or an Atheist- you should prosper under my presidency, every bit as much as Christians or Jews. As your President, I will fight for your right to worship or not worship, as you see fit. But, if your faith or lack thereof, threatens the freedom of your fellow Americans, or if your religion or lack thereof is found to compel you to aid and abet the enemies of this great nation, I will fight you tooth and nail to kick your ass out of this country, never to return.
I have been reading the Bible and taking it seriously for 30+ years, and I have yet to find where God requires Christians, whose homes are ultimately found in heaven, to attempt to influence the nations they providentially inhabit, to adopt suicidal policies. Christians are called to be salt, not arsenic. Good government and peace and security for its citizens has God's stamp of approval.
The Church ought to speak prophetically to the culture. It ought not break the 3rd Commandment (of the Ten) and take the Lord's name in vain. It does this when it speaks as the Church, and therefore on the Lord's behalf, and gets it wrong. It does this a lot when it comes to politics. The leader of my denomination is sure God wants Taco Bell to pay more for its tomatoes and thinks its wise to go around saying so. This is taking the Lord's name in vain.
The Church also ought not break the 9th Commandment. It does this when it bears false witness against its neighbors. I could give more examples of the present-day Church* doing this than I care too, but here's just one. In the parking lot of the church I belong to, during the last election, was to be found the occasional bumper sticker- KERRY/EDWARDS "Truth For A Change". (In some churches, it seemed to be required to have this sticker to park in their lot.) The evidence is such that before most juries it would be very easy to prove that Kerry is a pathological liar and that Edwards is a professional one. To hold them up as the standard bearers for truth is to bear false witness.
Of course, the real objective of that bumper sticker was to malign Pres. Bush as the "great liar". Now maybe he's told us a lie before, though I've yet to detect one. I don't always agree with him, mainly about his presuppositions rather than his conclusions, but I've not found him to lie to the American people ("I did not have sex with that woman!). To many though, whether my christian brother Pres. Bush says he got up on the left side of the bed or the right, he's lying. This is called Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS), a seemingly untreatable disease, and much of the church has a bad case of it. If you push one of them far enough,you find that they base their belief on stuff they've read that ultimately came from the NYT or the AP. This is called 'bearing false witness on the basis of false witness borne'.
The Church has been such a serial abuser of these 2 commandments that if it wishes to restore it's lost honor and credibility, it ought to shut the hell up for the next 5-10 years when it comes to politics. Probably longer. A minister caught in adultery ought to keep quiet for 5-10 years as part of his/her 'season of renewal. To abuse truth with regard to God and man is far more serious.
There's a little more to chew on. 'Til next time, be well!
* By 'Church' I mean any individuals or any organizations that self-identify as followers of Jesus Christ and who hold the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, to be God's Word, in some non-postmodern sense. This includes the Pope, Pat Robertson, Jim Wallis, the Presbys, the Orthodox, the Old Pentecostals, the New Pentecostals and all those in between.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Birthing of a President
Hence this blog. One of my sons occasionally asks me what I'm going to do with all the wisdom and experience I've been accumulating my whole life. It's a fair question, given the amount of stupidity we live amongst these days.
I can't see where stupidity is going to decline any time soon. In fact, there are no encouraging signs that the ability to reason will be in much supply in the foreseeable future. Barring Alzheimer's, I also expect that I shall continue to figure more things out in the years to come. In 2020 I shall be 67 and if I continue to practice my regimen of serious golf, I should be mentally and physically at my peak by then.
I don't pretend to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. If there's someone more capable for that presidential cycle than me, I'll be happy to defer to him or her. But, from the looks of candidates that are taken seriously today- the Hillarys; the Obamas; the McCains, etc- if this trend continues, I MIGHT VERY WELL BE THE BEST YOU GOT! It's because of this possibility that I'm declaring my candicacy right now.
Why should you take my candicacy seriously? After all, you don't know squat about me. There are two reasons that come mind why you shouldn't.
1) You are so old you don't think you'll be around in 2020 and you don't care what happens here after you're dead. 2) You can tell from my advocacy of Rudy Giuliani that I'm not your cup of tea already.
Fair enough. If either of these categories fit you then I'll not feel bad if you don't visit my site in the days and years to come. But if you fall outside of these categories, what's a good reason for you to be excited about the prospect of my being your President in 2020?
I don't expect anybody to get excited right away. But imagine that you follow my journey to the presidency thru this site- you learn more and more about me that you like, you read things here that you disagree with and later change your mind about and thus respect me more, you see that there's a growing mass of voters who find that I'm making one heck of a lot of sense, the year 2020 is approaching and nothing but dipshits on the political horizon as far as the eye can see. All of a sudden- what seemed like a silly idea 12 years ago now seems like a stroke of unprecedented genius.
To wet your appetite, here's an example of what you can look forward to during my presidency.
FOREIGN AID I've never understood why we give billions of dollars to countries that treat us like crap. I know that a lot of stuff like this may make sense though, once I'm on the 'inside' and am in a better position to weigh the benefits with the costs. I'm guessing most people are like me and don't like the idea of taking my money and giving it to people like, for example, the Eqyptians. If I decide that we get more back (really more, whether tangible or intangble) than it costs, then I will do it (or push congress to do it or however that sort of thing is done- details) but it won't be called foreign aid, but what it really is- BRIBES. If a country takes bribes from us and then doesn't live up to the deal or otherwise treats us like crap, then the bribes stop and future dealings are based on OUR VERY BIG STICKS. And I'm of the opinion that Americans would be astonished to find out how very big our sticks actually are.
Well, that's enough to digest for now.